Home > Trip Reports > May 31, 2003, Silver Peak (Snoq. Pass)

May 31, 2003, Silver Peak (Snoq. Pass)

WA Snoqualmie Pass
Posted by GregLange on 6/1/03 2:30am
I'm posting this in both May and June, since we did it on May 31, and it was SOOO fun!

All I gotta say is, "Thanks" to those who sent in data about this tour! Jim and Milan, you were right!

We started the day at classic "Greg"-time. Myself, Bruce Colony, Lara Pazamenas, Dave Metallo and Doug O'Donnell (DUGOD, indeed!) hit the snow at 6:15 AM on Saturday, May 31. We pulled the cars up to the snowline, and clicked in. It was foggy, which is how it stayed most of the tour. A little bushwhacking through the scrub trees on a westward trend, and about 40 minutes later, we found ourselves at the bottom of the bowl leading to the summit. A few skintrack traverses and 30 minutes later, we were at the summit. Enjoyed a quick bite, and then it was makin' trax through true buttery corn! The overcast of the past few days had prevented what otherwise would have been a mass melt of the snow pack, much to our delight! Kurt: Sorry we missed you. This was the REAL deal corn, not the cheap imitations you've been shown before! We took our sweet time coming down, savoring the sheer delight of having found such great snow at such a hidden little gem! While neither too steep or long, the ski in/ski out nature of this jaunt is truly wonderful!

On our way down, we met Dave Scheiber on his way up to taste the kernels. I'm sure he had the same feelings we did.

Hope to see you all soon. Next ski day is Fathers Day. Don't know where, but soon...Greg

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2003-06-01 09:30:37