Home > Trip Reports > May 27, 2002, Shuksan Arm

May 27, 2002, Shuksan Arm

WA Cascades West Slopes North (Mt Baker)
Posted by ema on 9/9/02 10:30am
Sylvie and I scrapped our plan to ski Heliotrope/Marmot Ridges after waking up and seeing it socked in. (you can drive 6mi. up Glacier Cr. Rd. by the way.).....Instead we chose Shuksan Arm for an easy day. Started from the gate to the lower ski area lodge and put skis on at the lodge. Just as we reached the lower slopes, we witnessed 3 climbers in "The Hourglass" ski run on the arm, (not the climbing route on Shuksan) first, start a wet slide to clear the slope for glissading, but instead of waiting for the slide to descend, began glissading into the torrent of slush!! Needless to say, the first person looked to get pummeled!....Skied up "Mr. Ed's" under a very light mist with a couple inches of wet on a solid base. Up top, saw a helicopter flying just below the cloud deck around Baker. Hope no one was hurt..... The skiing was fast and creamy. Very nice turns here. Just one run today. T.

toby tortorelli

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2002-09-09 17:30:40