Home > Trip Reports > december 24, 2012, christmas eve pow on chair peak

december 24, 2012, christmas eve pow on chair peak

WA Snoqualmie Pass
Posted by bs. on 12/25/12 9:51am
the snow gods delivered plenty of what i wanted for christmas this year... pow!  i took a day off from riding to sleep in but couldn't stay away from the snow long, so it was up to snoqualmie pass for pow day eight!

plenty of folks in the alpy lot looking to open christmas presents early.... fortunately there was plenty to go around!

heading up to the east ridge of chair peak.

the sun made a brief appearance as we neared the top of our first climb.

looking back into the valley...

not everyone in the party felt safe dropping down to snow lake, so we headed back down to source lake and decided to go check out the byrant couloir.

with some good advice on access routes, we soon found ourselves making first pow tracks down this fun little line.

kyle is in there somewhere...

juya celebrates the good news she's about to hear.

i hope everyone else is collecting on some holiday wishes!

Your pictures are outstanding.  Would have paid top $$ to join an outing with conditions like this.  Good on ya.

Best shots of the BPC I've ever seen!  Brings back fond memories.  Thanks for sharing!

I love that line.  The run down to Snow Lake can get pretty wind blown - was that the concern?  With the warm weather we had until 2 weeks ago, then the heavy snow, is Snow Lake rock solid to cross?  I would think so, but haven't seen much on that yet.

the lake looks covered but i'm sure there are lil fissures to water still around.

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2012-12-25 17:51:59