Home > Trip Reports > April 21, 2012, Mount St. Helens, Worm Flows

April 21, 2012, Mount St. Helens, Worm Flows

WA Cascades West Slopes South (Mt Rainier)
Posted by thatoneguydave on 4/23/12 4:25pm
Already saw a previous trip report from the weekend, but I couldn't pass on posting this one (trying to get better about posting TRs too). 

Just over 4 years ago my girlfriend from Ohio (never skied a day in her life, nor probably imagined she would) won a week long ski trip at Warren Miller.  Her first thought was how much the taxes were going to be on it, while mine was, 'please please please take me.'  From that day on a lot of time has been spent teaching, pushing her limits, and now this year her skiing has started to take off and it's becoming a lot of fun as opposed to the struggles of learning.

Over the years I've been the one in the spring to take off on the weekends to go ski the corn, the one in the winter to go hit the powder, but this year has been her first time time experiencing the back country.  Just two weeks ago we went up to Hyak to 'get used to skinning' and such.  A week went by and she asked about going to Helen's. 

My mind was blown.  Hyak to Helen's??!?  We can definitely do Helen's I thought.  I figured it would be a big leap, maybe we would make the top, maybe not, but I wouldn't pass on the opportunity.  A couple hours into the slog she's stepping on my skis because I'm going to slow for her as I thought I was setting a good 'first time-big-mountain-feel it out-pace'!

Anyways....after years of teaching, patience, and crossing my fingers she would even like skiing let alone would even have a remote interest in back country skiing I've got this photo to show for it all. 

From Ohio to Helen's.  Priceless.

Trip Info:
-snow at the Marblemount parking lot and should be like this for a couple more weeks
-not too many people, but lots of snow mobiles
-snow was incredible warm and full of water on this day
That's very cool, Dave.
And well played. Many of us that try to help usher our S/O's into backcountry skiing botch the job miserably by pushing too hard and/or taking them out in miserably conditions.
It appears you had just the right touch.
High Five :)

Nice Work!  It was cool running into another Ohio'an in the parking lot.  I was the random dude that asked you for a picture with the "Made in Ohio" shirt.  My family was really excited about that!

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2012-04-23 23:25:08